The functions of payroll services and HR
The HR (Human Resources) department must exist as long as the organization is there in the market. The HR department can exist independently without an in-house organization to handle; however, an organization cannot exist without a fully functional HR department. HR departments handle and take care of the company and its employees thoroughly by offering the maximum support through there HR department. Right from recruitment to exit formalities of an employee, the HR department plays a vital role in an organization.

Listed below are the efficient, comprehensive functions and importance of a payroll team in an organization:
- Payroll services offer their employees a whole slew of services with efficiency “ these include tax investment and declaration recommendation, payroll queries, and reports, etc.
- Each employee has his or her individual self-service portals or dashboard, which contains all the payroll related reports, information and more.
- Payroll services are part of a regular HR department, and along with the rest of the HR department in every organization, form a major chunk of employee handling services in the firm. They are required to handle the technical queries and customer service related questions for an employee.
- Sorting pay scale queries and hikes, tax deductions which are one of the hottest jobs to handle in an organization.
- Payroll services can also be defined as one of the most active sub divisions under HR department as there are hiring, firing activities all the time.
- The payroll team handles queries via email, portals, and toll-free numbers with appropriately defined resolution timelines.
The team is made to adhere to the quality standards by default as every ticket raised is time bound in the fast-moving world. The HR team closely monitors the quality of service provided by payroll services team and provides timely feedback on any improvement. Everything is documented on a digital form for future references and the solutions are utilized as the knowledge database for the future supporting services. Any new process in place is documented and circulated for information as well. An approval from the change management board is captured before updating the HR policies and process.